Factoid Bingo – Details, Details, Details

In a previous blog, Factoid Bingo was introduced. Think of this blog as sort of an annex. It records details that bog the main blog down. Poke around and use the details noting that it is written primarily as a memory jog for myself.

Sample play card for Factoid Bingo, on square claimed (Guitar) with a sticker.
Sample play card for Factoid Bingo, on square claimed (Guitar) with a sticker.
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A QIR Project Tool

Issue, Project and Decision logs are mainstays in project management. They are designed to formulate a clear understanding of opportunities, threats, risk and changes in a project. They also are created, updated-intermittently, and seldom used to their full potential. The QIR log manages Questions, Issues and Risks in one place as part of the day to day running of a project.

The inter-related elements of the QIR Log (questions, answers, risks and issues).
The inter-related elements of the QIR Log (questions, answers, risks and issues).
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Zoom Tips, Tricks & Hacks with Tony White

My notes from a session hosted by Tony White, a consultant and training specialist from Ontario [1]. This 3.5-hour session was hosted by the Canadian Executive Services Organization (CESO) and was well run and informative.

Gallery view of a Zoom image has communication originating and then returning to the facilitator (blue arrow).  Alternatively, the 'floor' moves from participant to participant returning to the moderator (green arrow).
Blue Arrow: Moderator Centric Facilitator Using a Gallery View. Green Arrow: Participant Centric. (image courtesy of mashable.com)
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Zoom for the Newbie

In a previous blog (Freely Zooming in on Non-Profits), an organization has acquired Zoom. The second blog in the series (Setting Up Zoom (TOO MANY OPTIONS!)) discussed which buttons to push to make the tool work optimally for non-profit. Now you are ready for your first big meeting, YEAH!

Zoom Buttons and What They Do
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Setting Up Zoom (TOO MANY OPTIONS!)

In a previous blog (Freely Zooming in on Non-Profits), an organization has decided to use a free version of Zoom or purchase a license, the good news. The better news is that Zoom is a highly configurable tool designed to be used in large organizations with a myriad of complex and varying business requirements.

Screen shot of the administration panel of a Zoom account in which configuration options can be made.
Admin level access to Zoom Options.
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Volunteering Definitions

As a result of a private research project I am engaged in, I wonder what exactly is the definition of a volunteer, non-profit or a member of a non-profit. There are a few other blogs I wanted to write concerning these things but I kept on coming back to the question, but what exactly is a ….?

Hiking in the Strathcona wilderness centre, 2007. Photo Bill Hinchey
Volunteers and voluntary organizations come in all shapes and sizes.
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